Are you looking for a quick and easy way to boost your youthful glow? This smoothie is one of our founder's favorites, and is sure to brighten your morning.

Make this smoothie when you want to feel a burst of clean beauty inside and out so you can feel, look, and do your best all day long!

Yield: 1 serving (8 ounces)
Time: 5 minutes

1 beet, peeled and quartered | firming + repairing
1 c organic raspberries | tightens skin + natural sun protection
1 inch fresh ginger |  even skin tone + elasticity
1 beet leaf | wrinkle-reducing vitamin A + magnesium for beauty sleep
1 green apple | boost of brightening vitamin C
2 c almond milk | beauty fats + vitamin E
Small splash of coconut nectar | beauty minerals


  1. Place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend at high speed for 1 minute, or until smooth.